Desde que me di cuenta de que los productos lácteos no estaban funcionando para mí, tengo que admitir que ha habido muchos días en los que miro con lujuria los artículos en fiestas, delicatessen y comidas compartidas donde pienso «gahhh, eso se ve tan bien, me gustaría». realmente me encanta un bocado!»

No me gustan mucho las alternativas a la carne falsa y altamente procesada, pero enséñame una manera de recrear un viejo clásico y estoy totalmente de acuerdo.

He leído y probado innumerables recetas, pero nunca entendí del todo esa vibra de «este es el indicado» hasta que comencé a jugar con mis propios sabores favoritos. Este aquí lo sacó del parque para mí.

Me encantan los alimentos que tienen un poco de patada, un poco de bocado y toneladas de sabor. No me gusta la comida aburrida. La vida es demasiado corta para comer alimentos insípidos, incluso si son realmente buenos para ti. ¡¡Gracias pero no gracias!!

Creamy Dairy Free Potato Salad

a crisp and creamy perfect potato salad loaded with protein and fiber and zero saturated fat!
Tiempo de preparación 20 minutos
Tiempo de cocción 8 minutos
Refrigerate 1 hora
Tiempo total 1 hora 30 minutos
Plato Appetizer, Almuerzo, Ensalada, Guarnición
Cocina Americano
Raciones 6


  • 1 Food Processor or a blender


  • 1 1/2 - 2 lbs Potatoes - red bliss Yukon gold or fingerling are best (thin skinned)
  • Organic Sprouted (whenever possible) Tofu (12oz)
  • 4 Celery Stalks
  • 1/4 cup diced Pickles - pick your preference - bread & butter dill or cornichons (which are always my pickle of choice)
  • 2 tbsp Capers
  • 1 tbsp Mustard Powder
  • 1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
  • 4 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Shallot diced
  • 1/2 Juice of a Lemon

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Wash and chop the potatoes into bite-size pieces. Place the potatoes in a medium pot of cold water (just enough to cover them). Bring to a boil and then simmer on low heat for about 8 minutes - they should be "just" tender. Drain and rinse under cold water.
  • While the potatoes are cooking away - drop the tofu along with the mustard powder, dijon mustard, garlic cloves and lemon into your food processor (ideal) or blender and blend until creamy. This recipe does offer a nice little kick so if you want to tone down the quantities of mustard and garlic, do it. Cooking is about experimenting and tasting as you go. I rarely follow recipes and am always adding and omitting as I go. Make it the way YOU like it!!!
  • Grab your mandolin and a large bowl and slice up your celery stalks, drop in the diced shallot, the pickles and the capers. Next add the tofu mixture to the bowl and lightly combine. Once potatoes have cooled a little add them to the mixture. Stir to fully combine and break down some potatoes, but certainly not all!!
  • Pop in the fridge and cool until ready to serve. This is a great dish to make ahead of time as they flavors develop more and more over time. It will last about 5 days in an airtight container in a cold fridge!


Pro Tip: If you prefer a dryer potato salad (less sauce, more potato), just reverse this order and add the mixture to the potatoes instead of the other way around. Simply add until you're happy with the consistency. Cooking shouldn't be about following recipes to a T, it's about getting confident with your own skills, tastes and abilities and experimenting and having fun with it
Keyword BBQ, Potluck