Cowboy caviar

Cowboy Caviar

Nancy Martz of Apples to Zucchini Cooking School
Stand out at this summer’s BBQ with this 5-minute recipe for Cowboy Caviar! This dish is full of flavor and protein. Nancy Martz of Apples to Zucchini Cooking School shared her recipe - and you don’t even need to chop veggies for this one!
You can customize your dish by adding different ingredients and spices!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Side Dish, Snack
Servings 3 - 4 servings



  • 1 can black beans drained
  • 1 small can corn
  • 1/2 cup salsa or more to taste

Optional add-ins

  • 1 can pinto beans drained
  • Pico de Gallo
  • 1/2 ripe avocado diced
  • 1 tsp seasoning garlic, onion powder
  • 1/2 cup diced onion or bell pepper
  • cilantro
  • hot sauce


  • Combine all ingredients.
  • Serve with chips.


  • You can really add anything you like, if you’re feeling adventurous, try a homemade fruit salsa.
  • Get creative and mix up your add-ins and flavors!

Nancy Martz is the Executive Director of Apples to Zucchini Cooking School, whose mission is to teach children and their families how to prepare delicious, nutritious, affordable meals made from real food. Join Apples to Zucchini Cooking School for live, in-person, outdoor classes! Visit for more information and registration.
Photo: Katrina Malakhoff