Help Us Grow!

Your support makes it possible for us to bring evidence-based, low-to-no-cost, plant-forward nutrition education opportunities to the Santa Barbara community.

Rooted Santa Barbara County is a fiscally sponsored organization of the Santa Barbara Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization. Your donation will be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Learn more about our mission, vision, current priorities and the $500,000 Take Root Campaign to establish plant-based nutrition and preventive health as lead community priorities on our Invest in Community Health page.

To support our growing programs, here are ways to give:

Donate Now via credit card through the Santa Barbara Foundation’s website!

Donate via check – please make checks payable to:
Rooted Santa Barbara County
c/o Santa Barbara Foundation
1111 Chapala St Suite 200
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Donation Form

Donate via Stock or Wire by contacting [email protected] or Jessica Sanchez, Director of Donor Relations at Santa Barbara Foundation at [email protected] or (805) 880-9366.

For more information on ways to support Rooted, please contact us here and learn more about our giving opportunities below.

We’re so grateful for your support!

Giving Programs

Rooted Santa Barbara County is the only local organization empowering our community to take a leading role in their own health through plant-based nutrition education and a growing network of support. Your generous support helps us to grow our vision for ongoing, dynamic community-based programming and keep our opportunities low-to-no cost. Following are ways that you can support our work!

The Radicles

The Radicles, named for the strongest root of a plant, is a monthly and annual giving program designed to generate community-level support.

Join The Radicles!

‘Turnip the Beet’ Society

Our Turnip the Beet community of donors are individual donors, foundations, and corporate sponsors who turn up their support and take a leadership role in building and growing Rooted’s comprehensive range of nutrition, food literacy, and community-centered opportunities through donations of $5,000 and more.

Major gift donors are essential to expanding Rooted’s reach and maintaining low-to-no-cost opportunities. Individual donors of $5,000+ will be acknowledged as major donors in online and printed publications and receive all the radicle perks listed above as well as turned-up perks, such as special recognition and specially curated opportunities…stay tuned! We’ll be working to quickly grow our donor opportunities as our organization grows. Please contact us for more information on donor, foundation, and sponsorship opportunities.

Please note: We are also able to receive gifts of stock through the Santa Barbara Foundation. Please contact us for more information.

Spreading Roots (Local Healthcare Network)

Spreading Roots is a membership program for local healthcare, nutrition, and wellness providers who are committed to helping the Santa Barbara Community eat more plants. For $100/year, members are included in a special listing on our website of local healthcare practitioners supporting plant-based nutrition and your critical support will help us launch and grow our programming opportunities for the greater Santa Barbara community. We will be expanding Spreading Roots into a true membership program with special opportunities and resources as our funding and community grow. You can join now by making your $100 contribution and please note in the comments section: “Spreading Roots.”

Foundation Partnerships

Donations from visionary grant-making foundations will be critical to launching and maintaining low-to-no cost programming. If you’re a part of a local or national public foundation or private family foundation, we’d love to hear from you and explore ways that we can partner to advance preventive healthcare and build a solid community foundation for individual health.

Corporate Philanthropy + Sponsorship

Corporate partners who are passionate about the Santa Barbara community, preventive health, and the power of plants, we’d love to hear from you! We have opportunities to support our mission through event sponsorships and direct philanthropic contributions. Let’s explore ways that we can collaborate to advance our community’s health – the power of healthy food connects us.


We are in the process of designing community events in addition to regular nutrition and food-skills programming – stay tuned and please contact us for more information on how you can support events that bring the national conversation locally and build community around plant-based eating.

In-Kind Support

In-kind support is critical to building Rooted’s programming and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In-kind support may include donated space, services, produce, catering, and equipment and will be acknowledged on the Rooted Santa Barbara website as well as on a program or event-based basis, depending on the purpose of the contribution.

Contact us for more information on supporting Rooted Santa Barbara County!