Eat to Thrive!

Cycle 2 – Keep Going

Introduction – Activity  1

Welcome to Eat to Thrive: Cycle 2 – our second 10-day program in partnership with the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County! As we get ready to learn more about fiber, we invite you to think about a new habit or new habits you may have started since Cycle 1 that bring more whole plant-based foods into your meals. What is one way that you’ve enjoyed including more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans in your daily habits?

A Plant Based diet graphic with an illustration of a plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains and nuts, seeds and beans

Activity 2

Fiber is essential for good health and the main reason for eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Fiber is only found in whole plant-based foods and is a carbohydrate that cannot be broken down through digestion and does not turn into blood sugar, which is a good thing. Fiber is good for digestion, weightloss, heart health and blood suagr control. Most people consume 10-15 grams a day but ideally that number would be closer to 40 grams per day. Here are some great ways to increase your fiber intake. You don’t have to change everything you eat just think about adding more fiber in. What are some ways you could increase your fiber intake?

Activity 3

A great way to incorporate whole grains into your day is oatmeal for breakfast! Make it quick and filling with this delicious Horchata Overnight Oats recipe. Oats are high in fiber and nutrients that help keep your heart, brain, and digestive system healthy. When we start our day off with a good breakfast, we are better prepared to meet the day. This is especially important for children! Watch the video to see how easy it is to make this recipe.

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

Activity 4

You’ve probably heard that whole grains are important for our health. But what exactly does ‘whole grains’ mean? A whole grain includes all parts of the grain, which means it has more fiber and nutrients. Check out these graphics.

Activity 5

This enfrijoladas recipe is quick to make, has lots of flavor, and is packed with protein and fiber to keep you full until dinner. Getting protein from plants is easier than you think! Beans, seeds, and even most vegetables are good sources of protein – without the added cholesterol or saturated fat of animal proteins. Plus, they can be cheaper than meat to add to meals. Let us know in the comments what vegetables you like to add to your enfrijoladas!

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

Activity 6

Many people have difficulties digesting milk and dairy products but there are many alternatives that are gentle on digestion, have protein, are cholesterol-free, delicous and widely available.
Do you ever feel gassy, bloated or have an upset stomach after drinking milk or consuming dairy products? It is estimated that about 68% of the world’s population do not digest dairy products well, often causing gas, diarrhea, nausea and bloating.

Activity 7

This recipe for chile rellenos is just as flavorful as the traditional version, with a mix of vegetables adding a nutrient boost and reducing the fat and cholesterol. Plus, cooking with grains, beans, and veggies can be much less expensive than cooking with animal-based products. Check out the video to see the ingredients!

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

Activity 8

Nuts and Seeds are good sources of healthy unsaturated fats, protein and fiber. A small handful a day sprinkled onto your favorite foods is a great way to reap the benefits of these small but mighty powerhouses. A little goes a long way to promote a healthier life and decreased risk of many chronic diseases. Chia, Flax and Walnuts are some of our favorites, what are yours?

Activity 9

Here’s a great way to incorporate some dairy-free creaminess into your meals – our easy recipe for plant-based crema! This recipe relies on cashews, which contain healthy fats, protein, fiber and nutrients. The result is a rich, satisfying topping for tacos, burritos, enfrioladas, chiles rellenos, salads, or whatever you like!

Final Thoughts

Thanks for joining Part 2 of our Eat to Thrive program

We hope you feel motivated to continue on your plant-based journey. We would love to know what stood out for you in this material. What was your favorite new ingredient? Favorite recipe? What’s one thing from this week you’ll take with you moving forward with your health? Who would you share Eat to Thrive with? Please share your comments with us in the form below.

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