Eat to Thrive!

Cycle 1 – Getting Started

Introduction – Activity  1

Welcome to Jump Start 1 – Eat to Thrive, a 10-day program in partnership with the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County to help you eat more foods that support your health: fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.

Today we invite you to spend 5 minutes to see what whole, plant-based foods are already in your kitchen. Can you find 5 items in 5 minutes? Not just fruits and veggies, but also rice, beans, pastas, corn and flour tortillas… Once you’re done, ask yourself: were you surprised to find lots of plant-based items? Was it easy or hard to find 5?

All Our Meals Are On A Plant Based "Diet" graphic
Snack Time graphic

What plant product did you find in your kitchen today that you would love to use in your meals and snacks this week?

Activity 2

Have you thought about why you’d like to eat more plant-based foods? For example, maybe you want to eat healthy to help manage or prevent a disease, to maintain a healthy weight, or to feel more energy. Our goal is to help our community feel better through their food choices. What is your why? Defining your why is one of the best ways to stay motivated!

What's Your Motivation graphic
"Enjoy the Journey - A Change in Eating Habits Takes Time

Change takes time. If you want your family to enjoy more plant-based foods with you, it’s okay to make small changes that may even go unnoticed, like a little more vegetables or a little less animal products in a familiar dish. Some family members, especially children, may need to experience a new food over and over again before they are ready to try it.

Activity 3

You know your why, let’s think about how! What’s one thing you could do from this list today? Try a 100% whole grain at breakfast (100% is important!) try soy or oat milk, make a new recipe, order the vegetarian option, add one more color to your plate, try a new fruit or vegetable, have brown rice instead of white rice.

"To Start Try One of These Ideas" graphic
"How Do You Feel Today" graphic

Let’s take a moment to check in! How confident do you feel about eating more plants?
I feel very confident
I feel more or less confident
More help, please!
Our goal is to help boost your confidence with new knowledge and skills. Let’s keep going, and we’re here to connect at [email protected] with any questions.

Activity 4

We love to start the week off right with a quick, healthy breakfast! One way to make breakfast more plant-forward is to try toast with avocado, beans, or peanut butter. Check out the video for recipes, and think about how you’ll make your next toast. 100% whole grain bread plus beans, avocado, or nut butter adds great sources of fiber, protein, and healthy fat (which is important!) to your diet and keeps you full longer.

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

"You Have Options" graphic

Have you tried one of our toasted breads for breakfast today? Have you added anything else?

Activity 5

Lots of people are concerned with protein, but the bigger question is: how much fiber are you eating? Did you know that fiber helps helps you feel fuller longer, removes toxins from the body, contributes to heart health and helps control blood sugar?

"Fiber is Your Best Friend" graphic
"These Foods Have the Best Sources of Fiber" graphic

Where do you get your fiber?

Activity 6

Lunch can be easy and filling, and these no-queso-dillas can be made ahead and eaten warm or cold! Beans provide plenty of filling fiber and protein to fuel your afternoon. Check out the video for recipes, and feel free to let us know what you think!

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

"Where Do You Normally Eat" graphic

Where do you normally eat? At home, in the office, outside? What is the easiest option for you?

Activity 7

You may have heard of eating the rainbow, but it can be tricky to shop for fruits and vegetables in every color. What do those colors mean anyway? Different colors mean different nutrients! The more colorful plant foods you include in your diet, the more variety of nutrients you are adding, which helps your body stay healthy, fight disease, and support digestion. Try adding “just one more” color to your favorite meal today. Examples: orange or yellow bell peppers, purple cabbage, blueberries, carrots, dark green lettuce, sweet potatoes.

"Eat a Delicious Rainbow" graphic
"What Fruit or Vegetable Have You Never Tried" graphic

What fruit would you like to try?

Activity 8

Tacos are a great meal for eating the rainbow! They’re so easy to play with and add a new item to increase plant diversity. Mushrooms give this recipe a meaty feel with added fiber. Check out the video to see how we make them, and think about what extra vegetables you could add to make them even more colorful!

This recipe video was created in Spanish. The English version is dubbed in English, video graphics are in Spanish.

"Finally -Tacos!" graphic

Have you prepared one of our recipes for dinner, or have you made the shopping list to try one soon?

Activity 9

Tomorrow is the last day of our program! Show us your favorite meal from the week by posting a photo or emoji on social media and commenting on what you liked about it! Be sure to tag us @rootedsantabarbara.

Hand holding a smart phone with a picture of a plate with a nutritious plant based meal on it
Nine ramekins filled with colorful spices

What is the one seasoning or spice you can’t live without? Some of our team favourites: garlic powder, onion powder, tajin, smoked paprika.

Our Final Thoughts

Thanks for joining us this week!

Thanks for joining us this week! Let’s look reflect and discuss. Share some feedback on your experience – it will take less than 5 minutes! What new foods did you try that you enjoyed? What tips were most valuable to you? What new habits are you likely to carry forward? Use the quick form below to share your thoughts.

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